Dear Parents,

I would like to take this time to invite the Year 6 families to school to have a sit-down meeting with you and your child, so we can make sure that we finish this year off with a BANG! But I also would like to take this opportunity to work with all of you to make the transition into Secondary School as smooth as we can make it.

As we come to the end of the first term of the student’s final year of school, let’s take time to reflect on what we have done and where we are going.

This term the Year 6’s learning has focused on;







The Year Six students really enjoyed breaking down an old hard drive to locate all the parts that combine to build the memory system of our computers.

The Fun Stuff!

During this term, we have completed a lot of learning and students have also participated in a number of activities such as;

Looking forward to next term, with the promise of new skills to teach and learn, and exciting activities to be involved in.

Miss Meagan Height
Year 6 Teacher